Published On:Kamis, 02 Juni 2011
Posted by Unknown
randai be federation from several show. there movement kunfu/pencak, there sing, salauang, rabab, kaba, theater. federation from several show that, make function randai doubled. that function is among others for art shows and message delivery, advice or education. randai one of [the] child game nagari that many known also international with invitations existence from negri sebrang. up to now randai still often shows. randai this still liked by various circle so much. this game is usually is perfominged in bighttime at opened arena. temporary onlooker sits to go around, show to go on center onlooker. randai not games that perfominged self but many people in the form of big circles.
the movement steps with dance style even kungfu is interlarded song according to by turns. before song is pealed, they make movement with step progresses, retreat, into decry circle, and out again. sometimes they do movement likes to kick, lunge, strike and bop to like kunfu. afterwards, they walk while sing to return. somebody beginning intones sebait quatrain or a story then in sentence ends them sing together. finished intone sebait quatrain or pieces story, they return to do movement pencak. then, they sit on circle to take a rest. to fill breathing space, they perfoming dialog delivers story figure, bersilat, or do artistry activity likes basaluang, barabab, and as it
sumber :
Description: RANDAI from MINANGKABAU
Reviewer: Unknown